Tuesday, 11 December 2012

BUS 3 key term glossary


BUS 3 key topic revision list


4 ways to make your BUS 3 stand out

Every student sitting BUSS3 gets to answer the same four questions based on the same case study.  Everyone gets the same time allocation.  When the examiner starts marking scripts many answers will be similar; relatively few will stand out in terms of the quality of analysis and evaluation.  So how can you make yours one of the stand-out scripts?


Maximise your marks in BUS 3

BUS3 is a tough exam and a significant step up in challenge for many A Level Business students compared with the BUSS1 & BUSS2 exams at AS level. To do well at BUSS3 you need to combine good subject knowledge and understanding with excellent exam technique.  Here is some guidance which you might find helpful.


BUS 3 exam tracker

There have been six BUSS3 papers for the new specification, so it is possible to build a profile of the topics in BUSS3 which have been examined so far, and in what way.  
The link below is to the latest version of our BUSS3 topic tracker. Please note, this is not intended to encourage or condone question or topic spotting which is nearly always a recipe for exam failure. Remember that the questions in BUSS3 invite a variety of potential responses and are designed to reward students who make relevant connections between the functional areas/topics and the achievement of corporate objectives. We have allocated the exam questions to the most relevant section of the BUSS3 spec - but note that other aspects of the spec can be used as part of an effective answer.


Biz Quiz - 6th December 2012


Paper 3 revision quizzes

A comprehensive collection of revision quizzes below are designed to support you preparing for the A2 Business Studies BUSS3 - Strategies for Success exam.
